Tuesday 11 September 2018

Causes of hair loss problems

The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) notes that 80 million men and women in America have hereditary hair loss (alopecia). It can affect just the hair on your scalp or your entire body. Although it’s more prevalent in older adults, excessive hair loss can occur in children as well.
According to Kids Health, it’s normal to lose between 50 and 100 hairs a day. With about 100,000 hairs on your head, that small loss isn’t noticeable. New hair normally replaces the lost hair, but this doesn’t always happen. Hair loss can develop gradually over years or happen abruptly. Hair loss can be permanent or temporary.
It’s impossible to count the amount of hair lost on a given day. You may be losing more hair than is normal if you notice a large amount of hair in the drain after washing your hair or clumps of hair in your brush. You might also notice thinning patches of hair or baldness.
First, your doctor or dermatologist (a doctor who specializes in skin problems) will try to determine the underlying cause of your hair loss. The most common cause of hair loss is hereditary male- or female-pattern baldness. If you have a family history of baldness, you may have this type of hair loss. Certain sex hormones can trigger hereditary hair loss. It may begin as early as puberty.
In some cases, hair loss may occur with a simple halt in the cycle of hair growth. Major illnesses, surgeries, or traumatic events can trigger hair loss. However, your hair will usually start growing back without treatment.
Hormonal changes associated with pregnancy, childbirth, discontinuing the use of birth control pills, and menopause can cause temporary hair loss.
Medical conditions that can cause hair loss include thyroid disease, alopecia areata (an autoimmune disease that attacks hair follicles), and scalp infections like ringworm. Diseases that cause scarring, such as lichen planus and some types of lupus, can result in permanent hair loss because of the scarring.
Hair loss can also be due to medications used to treat cancer, high blood pressure, arthritis, depression, and heart problems.
A physical or emotional shock may trigger noticeable hair loss. Examples of this type of shock include a death in the family, extreme weight loss, or a high fever. People with trichotillomania (hair-pulling disorder) have a compulsion to pull out their hair, usually from their head, eyebrows, or eyelashes. Traction hair loss can be due to hairstyles that put pressure on the follicles by pulling the hair back very tightly.
Causes of hair loss problems:
1 Lack or deficiency of essential vitamins like B1,B2,C and iron result in hair loss.
2. Lot of hormonal fluctuations during puberty.
3. Due to illness
4 Diabetes or thyroid
5. Bad eating habits or junk food or fast food or irregular food habits.
6. Diet problem
7. Bad food habits cause macro nutrients.
8. Unconscious hair pulling like excess hair styling and usage of harmful styling product.
9. Psychology problem or mental stress.
10. Harmful shampoo or chemical based oil
1. Oiling is one of the best ways of making one's hair stronger.
2. Eat protein rich food
3.Restrict from using hair staying products like gels, heating tong and curls.
4. Styling wet hair can prove damaging.
5. Good food habits.
6. Drink lots of water
7. Regular exercises, yoga, meditation and proper sleep.
8. Use mild shampoo or shikakai paste.

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