Wednesday 4 July 2012

Most popular world religions - Social media resources

Social media resources for many of the most popular world religions, including explanations of their core tenets, discussion groups and communities for people who have questions.

Hindu Blog: The India-based author of this blog states,“For me, Hinduism is not a religion in the  conventional sense. I find it more interesting without the religious tag or when it is in its pure form, the  Sanatana Dharma.” He writes in English, but with a decidedly Indian flair and style, and talks about various festivals going on in India as well as his own personal musings.

Kauai’s Hindu Monastery Created and maintained by the Himalayan Academy, this site provides a basic introduction to Hinduism, plus links to Hinduism Today magazine, Hindu books and art, the Hawaii Ashram, and other resources.

Ramakrishnananda Tape Ministry Satsangs and live lectures given by His Holiness Bhaktivedanta Ramakrishnananda Swami on yoga and spirituality.

Christianity Blog: Bible Gateway This award-winning site provides a search form for the Bible and handles many common translations.You can conduct searches and output verses in French, German, Swedish, Spanish, Tagalog, Latin, English, among others. Also features audio versions of the Bible and its many passages, both Old and New Testaments.

Catholic Online Bills itself as the “world’s largest and most comprehensive Roman Catholic information service,” and upon visiting this site,we would have to agree.This site provides a huge collection of current
articles, along with message centers, forums, and research materials related to Roman Catholicism.You’ll also find information  about Catholic organizations, dioceses and archdioceses, publications, software, and doctrines. 

Vatican Online home of the Roman Catholic Church, this site takes you on a virtual tour of the Vatican, where you can access the latest news, perform research in the Vatican library and secret archives, tour
the Vatican museums, read about past popes, and much more.

Muslim Blog: The American Muslim. This blog from an American Muslim individual contains personal expressions based on religion, politics, and social issues.
IslamiCity, Includes overview of doctrine and the Quran; news, culture, education, and political information;  downloadable radio/TV broadcasts (free software download); online shopping; a chat room; a virtual mosque tour;web links; and a matrimonial service. Heavy coverage of Middle East politics.The site also
features excellent information on understanding Islam.

Virtually Islamic, This blog offers news, commentary, information, and speculation about Islam in the digital age, and is part of

Carat (iOS)

Battery-saving apps for Androids tell you when a certain process is eating up too much RAM; and with its limited battery life, god knows the platform needs such tools. Carat app, however, promises to provide recommendations to improve the battery life of your iDevice. It basically tells you what's draining the most power, though it doesn't give out precise usage stats. The app also intros something known as the J-Score. This is basically a percentile figure that tells you how your device has fared compared to other similar gadgets out there. For example, a J-Score of 75 means you're doing better than 75% of other Carat users out there. Privacy is maintained, as the app doesn't collect personal data — merely usage-related info.Provides usage statistics about your iDevice and recommendations to improve the battery life; lets you compare how you fare with others across the globe

Perfect Resume - 5 Tools

A few tools on the internet can come to your rescue. Read on to find out which one suits you best.

1. CV MakerRegistration is Optional. The interface is quite easy to work with, and you don’t really need to bother about what the final output will look like. All you need to do is key in your details in the specified boxes. You can also add more fields to make your resume position-specific. You will have to create an account with the website. Downloading however, can be done without logging in. The web portal also provides reference links to help you build your resume.

2.Resumizer:  Registration is Optional, The Resumizer is probably the most impressive service of the lot. Once on the home page, you can pick from several resume styles to create your biodata. The service also lets you add additional documents to your profile including a covering letter, business cards, reference letters, thank you notes, and a resignation letter too. You can choose to register with the service, or use the website without creating an account as well.

3. Online CV: Registration is Not required If you are looking at something really simple and uncomplicated, then this service is perfect for you. The interface is really interesting and very easy to navigate. As far as the final output is concerned, CV very bland, but the document is saved in the PDF format, which means you cannot edit it any further. You can import it into word, but that's too much work, especially when there are more effective alternatives to choose from.

4. ReadWriteThink's Resume Generator: Registration is Not required. This interactive tool lets you pick between an old-school style traditional resume and a functional one for someone with fairly decent work experience. You can save the rtm file to edit the file later, or you can save the final file and edit it in a word processor instead. You can also create cover letters, business notes, and personal mails using the service as well.

5. How To Write A Registration is not Required. An interesting website, this service lets you use your existing Google, Facebook, AOL, or Yahoo! account to create your resume. Alternatively, you can also create an account with the website instead. Once you key in all the required details, you can change the resume template to suit your needs. It also lets you generate a reference letter, in addition to creating a cover letter, which makes it a complete package.

Social Media Directory: Facebook,Twitter, and LinkedIn

Social Media Directory solves that problem by organizing the Top 15 information categories into a comprehensive resource that helps you quickly find the Facebook,Twitter, and LinkedIn connections that match your interests.Additionally,  Social Media Directory saves you a lot of time and hassle.

Information changes rapidly on the Internet. If a particular category or website is not yet hooked into LinkedIn, Facebook, or Twitter,we encourage you to search LinkedIn, Facebook, or Twitter for the website or topic you’re looking for.

Facebook,Twitter, and LinkedIn resources, ensuring that you have the latest information about the topics that interest you most. Facebook users numbered 350 million worldwide.With 340 million unique visitors each month, Facebook ranks as the fourth-most-popular website in the world, behind only Google (844 million unique visitors),Microsoft (691 million), and Yahoo! (581 million).LinkedIn users numbered 50 million.This audience tends to be a bit older, they have an average age of 41. LinkedIn is an interconnected network of experienced professionals from around the world, representing 170 industries and 200 countries. According to LinkedIn, there are more than 50 million LinkedIn members across 200 countries and territories worldwide.Twitter users number 5 to 80 million, Sixty-five percent of Twitter users are less than 24 years old; 81% are less than 30. As expected, most Twitter activity is concentrated on celebrities.

Facebook,Twitter, and LinkedIn information for the following categories:

Blogs: Personal or corporate weblogs, which are web-based but are frequently updated with new content.
• Videos: Media clips containing both sound and video, such as archives of TV shows or content prepared
exclusively for online distribution.
• Podcasts: Audio presentations and archived radio shows you can play on your computer or download to a portable digital music player.
• Wikis:Web-based collaborative knowledge bases, like encyclopedias for the masses.
• Social Networking: Discussion groups on social networking sites.
• Forums/Discussions:Web-based bulletin board systems where you can exchange public messages with  others.

LinkedIn Jobs Whether you’re looking for a new job or trying to help someone else find his or her perfect job, LinkedIn can help you find and get in touch with the people you need to contact. Create a profile and click the Jobs tab to get started. 

Website Linkedin Job:, In Facebook you can find linkedin group, In Twitter, LinkedIn_jobs And LinkedIn: Linked:HR (Group)

Google AdWords

Google AdWords is one of the greatest success stories of our time. AdWords has made the Internet highly profitable, both for Google and for many AdWords advertisers.The success of AdWords has also encouraged others to find ways of making money. 

Google has recently introduced a new feature, Google Instant. With Google Instant, Google uses predictive search—that is, it guesses what the user is going to enter, based on whatever characters he’s already typed. This tends to steer users toward popular results.

Google Instant is a predictive search capability that makes search faster by guessing what the users are going to enter as their search query. It’s turned on by default in Google Search, but users can turn it off. (From the main Google search page, click Settings- >Search Settings. Choose the radio button, Do Not Use Google
Instant, and click Save Preferences.) Early indications, though, are that most users like it and will leave it turned on.

Google AdWords is a huge opportunity for businesses and other organizations to improve their results from Google search, to increase sales, to try out new business ideas, and in general to make the Web friendlier.

AdWords is more straightforward and its results are easier to track. AdWords is also a good way to test SEO strategies before you implement them on your website. Don’t spend money on SEO without also considering whether you can get similar or better results through AdWords. If you hire an SEO consultant, consider searching for one who also knows how to use AdWords effectively.

Google Instant

Google Instant is a predictive search capability that makes search faster by guessing what the users are going to enter as their search query. It’s turned on by default in Google Search, but users can turn it off. (From the main Google search page, click Settings->Search Settings. Choose the radio button, Do Not Use Google
Instant, and click Save Preferences.) Early indications, though, are that most users like it and will leave it turned on.